I Love You Through and Through
by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak is a favorite read in our house.
This children's book has adorable pictures and a precious story that depicts the love parents have for their children.
It is simple, sweet with such lines as "I love your inside...and outside."
or "your giggles... and cries"
But the ultimate message to our little ones is that we love them "through and through" regardless of their appearance, their health, their mood, their attitude, their mistakes ... or you fill in the blank.
As Ezra's mom, I have learned so much about God's unconditional love for us. Though I love Ezra when he is happy or sad, clean or dirty, I am not perfect and I can still get annoyed when we are all ready to leave the house and then suddenly I need to clean baby puke out of my hair or when we have the occasional day with no naps. It can be rough, but I still love that little peanut.
Now, my love for Ezra is far from unconditional, I am human and can be just as horrible as anyone else. But I am learning each day through my growing love for my little one how much greater the Father's love is for me. For His love is without measure. God in fact is the only one who can love "through and through" all the time.
I love this story. It is excellent bridge to share with your little ones the great love you have for them, but that God, their heavenly father, is able to and does love them far more than you can even imagine.